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Bringing SCN2A awareness to the European community and liasing with experts and families to move forward with SCN2A at all levels.
Closed Facebook group for sharing and discussing.
Find us in Facebook!
SCN2A Families UK is dedicated to support families affected by SCN2A related conditions in the United Kingdom. Providing emotional support, assisting with finding funding for essential medical equipment. It is their goal to get SCN2A to the forefront of the minds of medical professionals in the UK and bring about better treatments for all with a SCN2A related condition until the ultimate goal of a cure is reached.
Other SCN2A communities in Europe are also grouped in Facebook:
- 'SCN2A España'
- 'SCN2A France'
- 'SCN2A Italia'
- 'SCN2A Denmark'
Find them in Facebook!
Working with families, researchers, clinicians and professional bodies to improve the lives of those who have SCN2A and their families.
Organization created by parents of children diagnosed with rare forms of Epilepsy and Autism as a result of a change in the SCN2A gene.