This annual conference is a unique opportunity to unite the scientific, medical, and patient communities to advance our shared goal of finding better treatments and cures for SCN2A-related disorders. See you in Anaheim, US!
Join the SCN2A and SCN8A community in Koge (Denmark)!
Designed to provide an in-depth progress report on new antiepileptic drugs in various stages of development, as well as to present new findings on second-generation treatments.
Der Patiententag ist für die Betroffenen und ihre Angehörigen einer der Höhepunkte der jährlichen DGfE-Tagung. Er beschäftigt sich in diesem Jahr mit den „Zukunftsthemen der Epilepsie“ – hierzu gehören Autonomes Fahren, neue Behandlungsoptionen (u.a. Cannabinoide), Therapie-Begleitung mit sogenannten Trackern/Wearables und die Versorgungssicherheit. Organisiert wird der Patiententag vom Epilepsiezentrum Freiburg und der Deutschen Epilepsievereinigung e.V.
The Patients' Day is one of the highlights of the annual DGfE conference for those affected and their relatives. This year it is concerned with the "future issues of epilepsy" - this includes autonomous driving, new treatment options (including cannabinoids), therapy support with so-called trackers / wearables and security of supply. The Patients' Day is organized by the Epilepsiezentrum Freiburg an the Deutsche Epilepsievereinigung e.V.
Wissenschaft und Fortbildung (mittels Fortbildungsakademie) werden in breitgefächerter Form vermittelt.
Science and education (by means of an academy) are taught in a wide variety of ways.
ECNP is an independent scientific association dedicated to the science and treatment of disorders of the brain. It is the largest non-institutional supporter of applied and translational neuroscience research and education in Europe.
Main topics are: drug interactions, differential diagnosis in children, seizure semiology, diagnostic value of video-EEG, genetic approach toward diagnosis, differential diagnosis in adults, practical management in adult patients with SE
Ärzte aus Klinik und Praxis tauschen untereinander und in Diskussionen mit Experten Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus. Dabei kommen alle praxisrelevanten Aspekte von Anfallskrankheiten aller Lebensalter zur Sprache.
Clinicians and other doctors exchange experiences and insights with each other and in discussions with experts. All practical aspects of seizure diseases of all ages will be discussed.
- Diagnosi e trattamento dell'epilessia
- Epilettologia in età adulta ed anziana
- Epilettologia in età evolutiva
- Genetica
- Neurochirurgia, neurostimolazioni, stimolazione vagale
- Neurofisiologia, neuroimmagini
- Stati epilettici refrattari de novo
- Diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy
- Epileptics in adulthood and old age
- Epileptics in developmental age
- Genetics
- Neurosurgery, neurostimulations, vagal stimulation
- Neurophysiology, neuroimaging
- De novo refractory epilepsy
La reunió dona visibilitat als 9 grups d’estudi (VASCULAR, ESCLEROSI MÚLTIPLE, TRASTORSN DEL MOVIMENT, CEFALEES, EPILÈPSIA, NEUROMUSCULAR, COGNICIÓ O CONDUCTA, RESIDENTS, TRANSLACIONAL), així com promociona la presentació de comunicacions científiques.
The meeting gives visibility to the 9 study groups (VASCULAR, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, MOTION DISORDERS, HEADACHES, EPILEPSY, NEUROMUSCULAR, COGNITION OR BEHAVIOUR, RESIDENTS, TRANSLATIONAL), as well as promotes the presentation of scientific communications.
Jornada sobre las patologías genéticas relacionadas con la neurología que abarcará desde patologías genéticas en neonato hasta la vejez.
Conference on genetic pathologies related to neurology that will cover from genetic pathologies in neonates to old age.
El programa congrega a importantes ponentes de la epileptología a nivel nacional e internacional, que hará que el congreso se convierta en una oportunidad de encuentro para compartir experiencias y mejorar competencias. Para ello se han planteado varios talleres, simposiums, sesiones plenarias, y presentaciones de comunicaciones orales y posters.
The programme brings together important speakers of epileptology at national and international level, which will make the congress a meeting opportunity to share experiences and improve competences. For this purpose, several workshops, symposiums, plenary sessions, and presentations of oral communications and posters have been proposed.
Folgende Hauptthemen laden neben dem zentralen Thema „Neuropädiatrie und Schnittstellen im Alltag“ zur Diskussion und zum intensiven wissenschaftlichen Austausch ein:
Epilepsie, Neurometabolik, Neonatale Neurologie, neue Therapieoptionen und Sozialpädiatrie.
Apart from the central topic "Neuropediatrics and interfaces in everyday life" the following main topics will be part of the discussion and the intensive scientific exchange: Epilepsy, neurometabolism, neonatal neurology, new therapy options and social pediatrics.
Der DGN-Kongress ist das zentrale Wissenschafts-, Fortbildungs- und Diskussionsforum der neurologischen Medizin in Deutschland und zählt weltweit zu den drei besucherstärksten Neurologiekongressen.
The DGN-Kongress is the central science, training and discussion forum for neurological medicine in Germany and is one of the three most visited neurology congresses worldwide.
The topic of the conference is: 'Precision medicine in genetic epilepsies – where are we now, and where are we heading?'. Clinicians, geneticists and basic scientists aim to provide an updated overview of the state-of-the art of precision medicine in those genetic epilepsies in which a precision medicine approach has been already implemented, or in which promising data are under evaluation.
EPIPED is a 3 years cycle of independent annual training courses, developed specifically for child neurologists and physicians treating children with epilepsy. Plenary interactive sessions and training modules cover different aspects of treatment strategies in children with all types of epilepsies, particularly rare and complex epilepsies.
Voraussichtliche Themenschwerpunkte: Erster Anfall, Genetische Epilepsien, Translation. Mehr Information bald verfügbar.
Expected topics: First seizure, genetic epilepsies, translation. More information available soon.
The EPNS Congress provides an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the rapidly evolving field of child neurology including basic science, diagnostic methods and novel treatments.
More information available soon
The annual ECNP Congress is Europe’s premier scientific meeting for disease-oriented brain research, annually attracting between 4,000 and 6,000 neuroscientists, psychiatrists and neurologists from around the world.
The European Congress on Epileptology, a staple in the calendars of epileptologists and neurologists across Europe and the world, has a well-deserved high reputation for scientific and educational excellence. Over 2,500 participants, over 100 state-of-the-art and highly educational sessions, including the Chairs’ Symposium, Main Sessions, Special Sessions, Parallel Sessions, a Debate, interactive ECE Forums and Platform Sessions.
Scientists from around the world will congregate to present the newest scientific and technological advances in understanding the workings of the various nervous systems.
POSTPONED! Organised by Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy (ULAE), International League Against Epilepsy Europe (ILAE-Europe) and Charitable Foundation for the Development of Innovations in Medicine “RIMON" and having neurologists, child neurologists, psychiatrists, child psychiatrists, and neurophysiologists as target group.
Webinar con el tema "Diagnóstico de las encefalopatías epilépticas en pediatría", coordinado por el Dr. Juan José García Peñas, Epilepsia y Neuropediatría, Hospital Niño Jesús, Madrid (España).
Webinar with the topic "Diagnosis of epileptic encephalopathies in pediatrics", coordinated by Dr. Juan José García Peñas, Epilepsy and Neuropediatrics, Hospital Niño Jesús, Madrid (Spain).
The 53rd annual European Human Genetics will be hosting more than 120 invited speakers, 172 abstracts selected as oral presentations in concurrent session and 2700 posters. The meeting brings what is at the forefront of human genetics both scientifically and technologically without losing sight of educating the upcoming generation of human geneticists.
POSTPONED! The 2020 conference will discuss all aspects of the early onset epilepsies, including diagnostics, treatments, as well as outcomes.
The overarching theme of the congress is “Time for Action: Predict, Prevent, Repair”. The ‘red thread’, running through many of the congress sessions, will be to highlight the novel therapeutic interventions designed to predict, prevent and repair neurological diseases.
APLAZADO! Con el Hospital Ruber Internacional (Ángel Aledo y Antonio Gil-Nagel), CDKL5 España y la Sociedad Española de Epilepsia. Dravet, CDKL5, Lennox-Gastaut, SCN2A y más.
POSTPONED! With the Hospital Ruber Internacional (Ángel Aledo and Antonio Gil-Nagel), CDKL5 España and the Sociedad Española de Epilepsia. Dravet, CDKL5, Lennox-Gastaut, SCN2A and more.
VERSCHOBEN! Cannabis, Cannabidiol, klinische Datenlage von CBD bei Patienten mit Dravet Syndrom und Lennox-Gastaut-Syndrom, Erfahrungen zur Anwendung von CBD in der Klinik.
POSTPONED! Cannabis, Cannabidiol, clinical data about CBD for patients with Dravet syndrom and Lennox-Gastaut-Syndrom, experience of use of CBD at the hospital.
The ECRD is recognised globally as the largest, patient-led rare disease event in which collaborative dialogue, learning and conversation takes place, forming the groundwork to shape future rare disease policies.
Leading, inspiring and engaging all stakeholders to take action, the Conference is an unrivalled opportunity to network and exchange invaluable knowledge with all stakeholders in the rare disease community – patient representatives, policy makers, researchers, clinicians, industry representatives, payers and regulators.
ABGESAGT! HINET 2020 wird mit „Fokus Epilepsie“ einen interdisziplinären und transitionalen Überblick über neueste Entwicklungen in Forschung, Therapie und Versorgung unserer Patienten mit Epilepsie präsentieren.
CANCELLED! HINET 2020 will focus on "Epilepsy" and present an interdisciplinary and transitional overview of the latest developments in research, therapy and care for patients with epilepsy.
ONLINE! Bringing together people working in the different fields of epileptology and to update our understanding especially of rare and complex epilepsies.
APLAZADA! Organizada por la Federación Española de Epilepsia (FEDE), se hará promoción de la investigación del cerebro, y del diagnóstico y tratamiento de las personas con epilepsia.
POSTPONED! Organised by the Federación Española de Epilepsia (FEDE), it will promote brain research as well as diagnosis and treatment of people having epilepsy.
POSTPONED! This event highlights the pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment options in ion channel disorders. International experts in epileptology, neurophysiology, genetics, gene therapy and bioinformatics will focus on current topics and future trends in their field.
Objetivo principal: abordar la realidad global en la epilepsia infantil en nuestro entorno.
Main goal: to address the child epilepsy around us globally.
The main topics proposed for the 2020 meeting include co-occurrence of movement disorders and epilepsy; the hunting of causative genes; basic cellular mechanisms involved in movement disorders and epilepsy; pathways involved in the co-occurrence of movement disorders and epilepsy; disorders related to GNAO1, ATP1A3, SCN1A, FOXG1, TBC1D24, and other; principles of current and future management: medical treatments of the epilepsies, the movement disorders; deep brain stimulation; gene therapy and other innovative treatments. More than 300 professionals from 30 different countries